Discover capitol cigars, a cigar brand steeped in the luxury and elegance of the roaring twenties. the vitolas are handcrafted, entirely handmade in estelí by plasencia cigars, and in collaboration with the renowned master rafael nodal. these nicaraguan puros reveal a palette of rich and complex flavors, accompanied by an intense aroma with multiple nuances.
The 1998 line completes the vegafina assortment and commemorates the year of its creation. characterized by larger ring sizes, these three trendy vitolas are handmade in the large tabacalera de garcía factory in la romana, dominican republic. the tobacco leaves are carefully selected and aged for at least 3 years.
The partagas alphabet series is an essential entry point for connoisseurs who desire a luxuriously rich and artistically crafted cuban cigar experience. the partagas serie d no. 6 is a favorite that offers exceptional body and flavor in a shorter 3 ½-inch x 50 format that minimizes the time commitment while maximizing cigar smoking pleasure. partagas serie d no. 6 cigars are formed from supple tobacco leaves sourced from cuba’s famed pinar del rio province. each cigar is made “totalmente a mano, tripa larga,” or entirely by hand, using only long fillers. the result is a rich, flavorful petit robusto for years to come.
The cohiba brand is renowned for its demanding selection of tobacco leaves, sourced from the best plantations. each leaf destined to compose the robustos undergoes an additional fermentation in barrels, a process that amplifies the complexity and depth of its flavors. the culmination of these efforts is a cigar with an impeccable draw and a smoke with a creamy texture that reveals the cohiba signature.
It fits perfectly into the conviction range: its aromas are rich, tasty and balanced: the expression of the marriage between the volcanic soils of nicaragua and the soft and creamy dominican leaves. flavors of honey, oak, cocoa and fragrant earth are expressed. the smoke is generous and deep. it quickly develops notes of rich wood and pepper. the chateau diadem conviction was awarded a score of 90/100 by cigar journal magazine.
When enjoyed, this cigar offers a rich, creamy smoke with a subtle hint of sugar on the head, which provides a noticeable sweetness on the lips. the cigars in the insidious by asylum line are rolled by christian eiroa's cle cigar factory in honduras.
The h upmann magnum is a cuban classic. its clean burn and rich flavor profile make it a satisfying smoking experience. everyone can enjoy this cigar. it produces intense flavors and a creamy smoke from start to finish.
The factory uses the latest techniques to maintain perfect humidity of the tobaccos throughout the production chain. the cigars thus retain all their aromas, for our greatest pleasure. the a. flores gran reserva have a powerful and balanced blend – a rarely achieved squaring of the circle. the smoke is fat, dense and spicy. the balance is preserved until the last puffs – a cigar that we always leave with some regret that it is no longer long… for aficionados looking for intense flavors.
Supple, pleasant and easy, a delicate and quite gourmet aroma characterizes it. lightly woody and roasted notes as well as a very pleasant consistency in terms of intensity will make this cigar an ally in all circumstances.