Menu image of Cocktail. thiebar's menu - thiais | restaurants in thiais

Cocktail. thiebar's menu - thiais | restaurants in thiais

Virgin spritz

5 cl bitter sans alcool 5 cl pétillant classic sans alcool 4 cl jus d'orange 5 cl limonade

thiebar - Virgin Spritz

Virgin mojito

10 cl cocktail sans alcool mojito 2 cl limonade 2 dés citron vert frais 8 feuilles menthe fraîche

thiebar - Virgin Mojito

Typo3 sunset (virgin)

4 cl soda 8 cl orange juice 2 cl grenadine syrup

thiebar - Typo3 Sunset (virgin)

Tequila sunrise

4 cl tequila 8 cl orange juice 2 cl grenadine syrup

thiebar - Tequila sunrise


4 cl vodka 4 cl cranberry juice 1 cl triple sec 1 cl fresh lime

thiebar - Cosmopolitan

Limoncello spritz

10 cl of extra-dry prosecco 3 cl of limoncello 2 cl of sparkling water 0.5 yellow lemon

thiebar - Limoncello Spritz


12 cl of extra-dry prosecco 6 cl of italian bitters 2 cl of sparkling water 1 slice(s) of orange

thiebar - Spritz

Bloody mary

4 cl vodka 12 cl tomato juice 1 cl squeezed lemon juice 1 pinch celery salt

thiebar - Bloody Mary


5 cl tequila 2 cl triple sec 2 cl squeezed lime juice

thiebar - Margarita

Amaretto sour

5 cl amaretto liqueur 2.5 cl squeezed lemon juice 1 egg white 1 dash bitter saint james

thiebar - Amaretto Sour


6 cl cachaça 2 cl sirop de canne 1 citron vert frais

thiebar - caipirinha


4 cl white rum 40° 1/2 fresh lime 8 leaves fresh mint 2 cl cane syrup sparkling water

thiebar - Mojito


3 cl gin 3 cl vermouth rouge 3 cl bitter rouge 1 tranche orange

thiebar - Negroni


3 cl vermouth rouge 3 cl bitter rouge 1 tranche orange

thiebar - American


50 cl guava juice 40 cl orange juice 30 cl rum 15 cl cane syrup 6 mint sprigs

thiebar - Planter

Piña colada (+virgin)

4 cl white rum 4 cl amber rum 4 cl coconut milk 12 cl pineapple juice

thiebar - Piña colada (+virgin)