100% organic smoothie with strawberries, blueberries, banana, house cashew butter, rolled oats, and house cashew milk.
Stumptown cold brew, banana, house peanut butter, cauliflower, raw honey, vanilla, cacao
100% organic smoothie with banana, house peanut butter, cacao nibs, spinach, chia, rolled oats, maple, and house cashew milk.
100% organic smoothie with spinach, pineapple, banana, ginger, and house cashew milk.
100% organic smoothie with pineapple, blue majik, banana, coconut shreds and house cashew milk
100% organic smoothie with banana, orange, orange zest, vanilla, cauliflower, hemp seeds, collagen, turmeric, cinnamon, and house oat milk.
100% organic smoothie with açaí, banana, blueberries, spinach, rolled oats, date, cayenne and house oat milk.
100% organic smoothie made with banana, cherries, flax, strawberries, cacao nibs, cacao powder, maple, house cashew milk and ice.