Menu image of 雞類 / poultry. teacup cafe's menu - sacramento | restaurants in sacramento

雞類 / poultry. teacup cafe's menu - sacramento | restaurants in sacramento

General chicken 左宗雞

teacup-cafe - General Chicken 左宗雞

Cashew nut chicken 腰果雞

teacup-cafe - Cashew Nut Chicken 腰果雞

Orange peel chicken 陳皮雞


Kung pao chicken 宮保雞


Asparagus chicken 芦筍雞


Chicken with green beans 豆仔雞


Sweet & sour chicken 甜酸雞球


Mongolia chicken 蒙古雞球


Chicken with vegetables 時菜雞球


Crispy fried chicken(1/2) 當紅炸子雞


Curry chicken 咖哩雞


Chicken with broccoli 西蘭雞


Empress chicken (1/2) 貴妃黄毛雞
