Menu image of Chef's special厨师推荐. taishan cuisine's menu - san francisco | restaurants in san francisco

Chef's special厨师推荐. taishan cuisine's menu - san francisco | restaurants in san francisco

Taishan steamed rice腊味蒸饭

taishan-cuisine - Taishan Steamed Rice腊味蒸饭

Taishan beef bone soup牛骨汤

taishan-cuisine - Taishan Beef Bone Soup牛骨汤

Taishan roasted chicken台山烧鸡

taishan-cuisine - Taishan Roasted Chicken台山烧鸡

胡椒猪肚鸡汤taishan pork tripe with chicken soup

taishan-cuisine - 胡椒猪肚鸡汤Taishan Pork Tripe With Chicken Soup

Steamed vegetable fruit rice蒸菜果饭

taishan-cuisine - Steamed Vegetable Fruit Rice蒸菜果饭

Taishan five flavor goose台山五味鹅

taishan-cuisine - Taishan Five Flavor Goose台山五味鹅

Kohlrabi clay pot rice菜果煲仔饭

taishan-cuisine - Kohlrabi Clay Pot Rice菜果煲仔饭

水煮脆脘鱼片spicy fish chilli oil

taishan-cuisine - 水煮脆脘鱼片spicy fish chilli oil

Yellow eel clay pot rice黄鳝煲仔饭


芋头蚬肉煲白莱clam taro with chinese cabbage soup


咸鱼腊味蒸饭dry fish and preserved meat rice


Fresh coconut chicken soup椰子鸡汤


咸鱼蒸肉饼饭dry fish with pork meat steamed rice


凌鱼球煲西洋菜或节瓜nostoc dace fish ball with watercress or fuzzy melon


水煮牛肉spicy beef chill oil
