Menu image of Drinks 饮品类. menú de noodle stop - san francisco | restaurantes en san francisco

Drinks 饮品类. menú de noodle stop - san francisco | restaurantes en san francisco

F10 iced coffee 冻咖啡

noodle-stop - F10 Iced Coffee 冻咖啡

F2 iced hong kong style milk tea 冻奶茶

noodle-stop - F2 Iced Hong Kong Style Milk Tea 冻奶茶

F6 iced lemon tea 冻柠茶

noodle-stop - F6 Iced Lemon Tea 冻柠茶

F1 hot hong kong style milk tea 热奶茶

noodle-stop - F1 Hot Hong Kong Style Milk Tea 热奶茶

F19 iced fresh soy milk 新鲜冻豆浆

noodle-stop - F19  Iced Fresh Soy Milk 新鲜冻豆浆

F22 hot almond drink 热杏仁露

noodle-stop - F22 Hot Almond Drink 热杏仁露

F8 iced honey lemonade 冻柠檬蜜


noodle-stop - F8 Iced Honey Lemonade 冻柠檬蜜

F16 iced coffee milk tea 冻鸳鸯

noodle-stop - F16 Iced Coffee Milk Tea 冻鸳鸯

F18 hot soy milk 新鲜热豆浆

noodle-stop - F18 Hot Soy milk 新鲜热豆浆

Iced lychee drink 荔枝玉露

noodle-stop - Iced Lychee Drink 荔枝玉露

F23 iced almond drink 冻杏仁露

noodle-stop - F23 Iced Almond Drink 冻杏仁露

F7 hot honey lemonade 热柠檬蜜


noodle-stop - F7 Hot Honey Lemonade 热柠檬蜜

F5 hot lemon tea 热柠茶

noodle-stop - F5 Hot Lemon Tea 热柠茶

Chili oil 辣椒酱

noodle-stop - Chili oil 辣椒酱

F9 hot coffee 热咖啡

noodle-stop - F9 Hot Coffee  热咖啡

F15 hot coffee milk tea 热鸳鸯

noodle-stop - F15 Hot Coffee Milk Tea 热鸳鸯

Chinese kung fu tea (hot 12oz)中国功夫茶(热12盎司)

The finest black tea from china, with a strong taste, sweet and delicious

noodle-stop - Chinese Kung Fu Tea (hot 12oz)中国功夫茶(热12盎司)

Syrup of plum 冰镇酸梅汤

Help produce saliva and slake thirst 酸梅汤是老北京传统的消暑饮料,具有消暑开胃、生津止渴

noodle-stop - Syrup of plum 冰镇酸梅汤

⭐⭐⭐korean style honey jujube tea 韩式蜂蜜红枣茶

Korean style honey jujube tea

noodle-stop - ⭐⭐⭐Korean style Honey Jujube Tea  韩式蜂蜜红枣茶

F11. canned soda 罐装汽水


F12 bottled water 瓶装水
