Menu image of Iced or blended drinks. ls caffe's menu - san francisco | restaurants in san francisco

Iced or blended drinks. ls caffe's menu - san francisco | restaurants in san francisco

Iced coffee - small

A blend of our drip coffee over coffee ice cubes

ls-caffe - Iced Coffee - Small

Iced coffee - medium

A blend of our drip coffee over coffee ice cubes

ls-caffe - Iced Coffee - Medium

Iced coffee - large

A blend of our drip coffee over coffee ice cubes

ls-caffe - Iced Coffee - Large

Iced latte - small

Espresso shots and milk over ice

ls-caffe - Iced Latte - Small

Iced latte - medium

Espresso shots and milk over ice

ls-caffe - Iced Latte - Medium

Iced latte - large

Espresso shots and milk over ice

ls-caffe - Iced Latte - Large

Iced mexican mocha - small

Espresso shot and hot chocolate made with a tasty mexican chocolate mix and milk over ice, with whipped cream, chocolate drizzle and dusted with cinnamon powder

ls-caffe - Iced Mexican Mocha - Small

Iced mexican mocha - medium

Espresso shot and hot chocolate made with a tasty mexican chocolate mix and milk over ice, with whipped cream, chocolate drizzle and dusted with cinnamon powder

ls-caffe - Iced Mexican Mocha - Medium

Iced mexican mocha - large

Espresso shot and hot chocolate made with a tasty mexican chocolate mix and milk over ice, with whipped cream, chocolate drizzle and dusted with cinnamon powder

ls-caffe - Iced Mexican Mocha - Large

Iced mocha - small

Espresso shot and hot chocolate made with ghirardelli chocolate mix and milk over ice, topped with whipped cream and chocolate drizzle

ls-caffe - Iced Mocha - Small

Iced mocha - medium

Espresso shot and hot chocolate made with ghirardelli chocolate mix and milk over ice, topped with whipped cream and chocolate drizzle

ls-caffe - Iced Mocha - Medium

Iced mocha - large

Espresso shot and hot chocolate made with ghirardelli chocolate mix and milk over ice, topped with whipped cream and chocolate drizzle

ls-caffe - Iced Mocha - Large

Iced tea - small black tea

One cup at the time fresh brewed tea over ice

ls-caffe - Iced Tea - Small Black Tea

Iced tea - small pomegranate

One cup at the time fresh brewed tea over ice

ls-caffe - Iced Tea - Small Pomegranate

Iced tea - medium black tea

One cup at the time fresh brewed tea over ice

ls-caffe - Iced Tea - Medium Black Tea

Iced tea - medium pomegranate

One cup at the time fresh brewed tea over ice

ls-caffe - Iced Tea - Medium Pomegranate

Iced tea - large black tea

One cup at the time fresh brewed tea over ice

ls-caffe - Iced Tea - Large Black Tea

Iced tea - large pomegranate

One cup at the time fresh brewed tea over ice

ls-caffe - Iced Tea - Large Pomegranate

Mocha frappé - small

ls-caffe - Mocha Frappé - Small

Mocha frappé - medium

ls-caffe - Mocha Frappé - Medium

Mocha frappé - large

ls-caffe - Mocha Frappé - Large

Caguama michelada


Caramel frappé - small


Caramel frappé - medium


Caramel frappé - large


Chai frappé - small

Sweet and creamy blend of black tea, milk and honey, combined with the flavors of exotic spices, blended with ice


Chai frappé - medium

Sweet and creamy blend of black tea, milk and honey, combined with the flavors of exotic spices, blended with ice


Chai frappé - large

Sweet and creamy blend of black tea, milk and honey, combined with the flavors of exotic spices, blended with ice


Cold brewed coffee - small

Organic sugar phoenix beans blend brewed with cold water, providing a smooth, low-acid and heavier taste of coffee.


Cold brewed coffee - medium

Organic sugar phoenix beans blend brewed with cold water, providing a smooth, low-acid and heavier taste of coffee.


Cold brewed coffee - large

Organic sugar phoenix beans blend brewed with cold water, providing a smooth, low-acid and heavier taste of coffee.


Cup of ice


Iced americano - small

Espresso shots over ice


Iced americano - medium

Espresso shots over ice


Iced americano - large

Espresso shots over ice


Iced chai latte - small

Sweet and creamy blend of black tea, milk and honey, combined with the flavors of exotic spices over ice


Iced chai latte - medium

Sweet and creamy blend of black tea, milk and honey, combined with the flavors of exotic spices over ice


Iced chai latte - large

Sweet and creamy blend of black tea, milk and honey, combined with the flavors of exotic spices over ice


Iced matcha latte - small

100% japanese organic green tea powder, mild sweetened with honey and your choice of milk over ice


Iced matcha latte - medium

100% japanese organic green tea powder, mild sweetened with honey and your choice of milk over ice


Iced matcha latte - large

100% japanese organic green tea powder, mild sweetened with honey and your choice of milk over ice


Iced white mocha - small

Espresso shot and white hot chocolate made with ghirardelli white chocolate mix and milk over ice and topped with whipped cream and white chocolate drizzle


Iced white mocha - medium

Espresso shot and white hot chocolate made with ghirardelli white chocolate mix and milk over ice and topped with whipped cream and white chocolate drizzle


Iced white mocha - large

Espresso shot and white hot chocolate made with ghirardelli white chocolate mix and milk over ice and topped with whipped cream and white chocolate drizzle


Italian soda - small


Italian soda - medium


Italian soda - large


Licuado 20oz


Matcha frappé - small

100% japanese organic green tea powder, mild sweetened with honey and your choice of milk blended with ice


Matcha frappé - medium

100% japanese organic green tea powder, mild sweetened with honey and your choice of milk blended with ice


Matcha frappé - large

100% japanese organic green tea powder, mild sweetened with honey and your choice of milk blended with ice




Milk - small


Milk - medium


Milk - large
