Menu image of Coffee & hot drinks. menú de ls caffe - san francisco | restaurantes en san francisco

Coffee & hot drinks. menú de ls caffe - san francisco | restaurantes en san francisco

Americano - small

Espresso shot and hot water

ls-caffe - Americano - Small

Americano - medium

Espresso shot and hot water

ls-caffe - Americano - Medium

Americano - large

Espresso shot and hot water

ls-caffe - Americano - Large

Breve - small

Espresso shot and steamed half and half (latte style)

ls-caffe - Breve - Small

Breve - medium

Espresso shot and steamed half and half (latte style)

ls-caffe - Breve - Medium

Breve - large

Espresso shot and steamed half and half (latte style)

ls-caffe - Breve - Large

Café olé (au lait) - small

Organic house drip coffee and steamed milk

ls-caffe - Café Olé (Au Lait) - Small

Café olé (au lait) - medium

Organic house drip coffee and steamed milk

ls-caffe - Café Olé (Au Lait) - Medium

Café olé (au lait) - large

Organic house drip coffee and steamed milk

ls-caffe - Café Olé (Au Lait) - Large

Cappuccino - small

Espresso shot with steamed milk and foam

ls-caffe - Cappuccino - Small

Cappuccino - medium

Espresso shot with steamed milk and foam

ls-caffe - Cappuccino - Medium

Cappuccino - large

Espresso shot with steamed milk and foam

ls-caffe - Cappuccino - Large

Chai latte - small

Sweet and creamy blend of black tea, milk and honey, combined with the flavors of exotic spices

ls-caffe - Chai Latte - Small

Chai latte - medium

Sweet and creamy blend of black tea, milk and honey, combined with the flavors of exotic spices

ls-caffe - Chai Latte - Medium

Chai latte - large

Sweet and creamy blend of black tea, milk and honey, combined with the flavors of exotic spices

ls-caffe - Chai Latte - Large

Espresso - single

Dark and bold espresso style coffee made with organic dark roasted espresso beans blend

ls-caffe - Espresso - Single

Espresso - double

Dark and bold espresso style coffee made with organic dark roasted espresso beans blend

ls-caffe - Espresso - Double

Espresso - triple

Dark and bold espresso style coffee made with organic dark roasted espresso beans blend

ls-caffe - Espresso - Triple

Hot chocolate - small

Hot chocolate made with ghirardelli chocolate mix and milk

ls-caffe - Hot Chocolate - Small

Hot chocolate - medium

Hot chocolate made with ghirardelli chocolate mix and milk

ls-caffe - Hot Chocolate - Medium

Hot chocolate - large

Hot chocolate made with ghirardelli chocolate mix and milk

ls-caffe - Hot Chocolate - Large

Hot tea far east - small

ls-caffe - Hot Tea Far East - Small

Hot tea far east

ls-caffe - Hot Tea Far East

Hot tea far east - large

ls-caffe - Hot Tea Far East - Large

Latte - small

Espresso shots and steam milk (no foam)

ls-caffe - Latte - Small

Latte - medium

Espresso shots and steam milk (no foam)

ls-caffe - Latte - Medium

Latte - large

Espresso shots and steam milk (no foam)

ls-caffe - Latte - Large

Macchiato - small

Espresso shot with mostly foam of the milk of your choice

ls-caffe - Macchiato - Small

Macchiato - medium

Espresso shot with mostly foam of the milk of your choice

ls-caffe - Macchiato - Medium

Macchiato - large

Espresso shot with mostly foam of the milk of your choice

ls-caffe - Macchiato - Large

Matcha latte - small

100% japanese organic green tea powder, mild sweetened with honey and your choice of steamed milk

ls-caffe - Matcha Latte - Small

Matcha latte - medium

100% japanese organic green tea powder, mild sweetened with honey and your choice of steamed milk

ls-caffe - Matcha Latte - Medium

Matcha latte - large

100% japanese organic green tea powder, mild sweetened with honey and your choice of steamed milk

ls-caffe - Matcha Latte - Large

Mexican hot chocolate - small

Hot chocolate made with a tasty mexican chocolate mix and milk with whipped cream and dusted with cinnamon powder

ls-caffe - Mexican Hot Chocolate - Small

Mexican hot chocolate - medium

Hot chocolate made with a tasty mexican chocolate mix and milk with whipped cream and dusted with cinnamon powder

ls-caffe - Mexican Hot Chocolate - Medium

Mexican hot chocolate - large

Hot chocolate made with a tasty mexican chocolate mix and milk with whipped cream and dusted with cinnamon powder

ls-caffe - Mexican Hot Chocolate - Large

Mexican mocha - small

Espresso shot and hot chocolate made with a tasty mexican chocolate mix and milk with whipped cream, chocolate drizzle and dusted with cinnamon powder

ls-caffe - Mexican Mocha - Small

Mexican mocha - medium

Espresso shot and hot chocolate made with a tasty mexican chocolate mix and milk with whipped cream, chocolate drizzle and dusted with cinnamon powder

ls-caffe - Mexican Mocha - Medium

Mexican mocha - large

Espresso shot and hot chocolate made with a tasty mexican chocolate mix and milk with whipped cream, chocolate drizzle and dusted with cinnamon powder

ls-caffe - Mexican Mocha - Large

Mocha - small

Espresso shot and hot chocolate made with ghirardelli chocolate mix and milk, topped with whipped cream and chocolate drizzle

ls-caffe - Mocha - Small

Mocha - medium

Espresso shot and hot chocolate made with ghirardelli chocolate mix and milk, topped with whipped cream and chocolate drizzle

ls-caffe - Mocha - Medium

Mocha - large

Espresso shot and hot chocolate made with ghirardelli chocolate mix and milk, topped with whipped cream and chocolate drizzle

ls-caffe - Mocha - Large

Organic hot tea - small

ls-caffe - Organic Hot Tea - Small

Organic hot tea - small (double tea bag)

ls-caffe - Organic Hot Tea - Small (double tea bag)

Organic hot tea - medium

ls-caffe - Organic Hot Tea - Medium

Organic hot tea - medium (double tea bag)

ls-caffe - Organic Hot Tea - Medium (double tea bag)

Organic hot tea - large

ls-caffe - Organic Hot Tea - Large

Organic hot tea - large (double tea bag)

ls-caffe - Organic Hot Tea - Large (double tea bag)

Organic hot tea - tea bag only

ls-caffe - Organic Hot Tea - Tea Bag Only

Organic house drip coffee - small

ls-caffe - Organic House Drip Coffee - Small

Organic house drip coffee - medium

ls-caffe - Organic House Drip Coffee - Medium

Organic house drip coffee - large

ls-caffe - Organic House Drip Coffee - Large

Organic house drip coffee - refill (in house only)

ls-caffe - Organic House Drip Coffee - Refill (in house only)

Red eye - small

Fresh brewed drip coffee with espresso shot

ls-caffe - Red Eye - Small

Red eye - medium

Fresh brewed drip coffee with espresso shot

ls-caffe - Red Eye - Medium

Red eye - large

Fresh brewed drip coffee with espresso shot

ls-caffe - Red Eye - Large

Steamed milk - small

Nice and hot steamed milk

ls-caffe - Steamed Milk - Small

Steamed milk - medium

Nice and hot steamed milk

ls-caffe - Steamed Milk - Medium

Steamed milk - large

Nice and hot steamed milk

ls-caffe - Steamed Milk - Large

White mocha - small

Espresso shot and white hot chocolate made with ghirardelli white chocolate mix and milk, topped with whipped cream and white chocolate drizzle


White mocha - medium

Espresso shot and white hot chocolate made with ghirardelli white chocolate mix and milk, topped with whipped cream and white chocolate drizzle


White mocha - large

Espresso shot and white hot chocolate made with ghirardelli white chocolate mix and milk, topped with whipped cream and white chocolate drizzle
