Menu image of Beef and lamb 牛肉 羊肉. little sichuan's menu - san francisco | restaurants in san francisco

Beef and lamb 牛肉 羊肉. little sichuan's menu - san francisco | restaurants in san francisco

Mongolian beef 蒙古牛

little-sichuan - Mongolian Beef 蒙古牛

Szechuan beef 四川牛肉

little-sichuan - Szechuan Beef 四川牛肉

Beef bolied with flaming chili oil 水煮牛肉

little-sichuan - Beef Bolied with Flaming Chili Oil 水煮牛肉

Orange beef 陈皮牛

little-sichuan - Orange Beef  陈皮牛

Braised crispy beef with red chili oil 笆篓香椒牛

little-sichuan - Braised Crispy Beef with Red Chili Oil 笆篓香椒牛

Lamb boiled with flaming chili oil 水煮羊肉

little-sichuan - Lamb Boiled with Flaming Chili Oil  水煮羊肉

Szechuan lamb 四川羊肉

little-sichuan - Szechuan Lamb 四川羊肉

Broccoli beef 西兰花牛肉


Cumin lamb 孜然羊肉


Cumin beef 孜然牛肉


Mu-shu beef 木须牛肉


Mongolian lamb 蒙古羊


Spicy yellow throat 火爆黄喉


Curry lamb with coconut red chili oil 红油咖喱椰汁羊


Curry beef with coconut red chili 0il 红油咖喱椰汁牛肉


Jalapeño beef 尖椒炒牛肉
