Menu image of Cheese platters - 10 peoples. la fromagerie's menu - san francisco | restaurants in san francisco

Cheese platters - 10 peoples. la fromagerie's menu - san francisco | restaurants in san francisco

The european cheese board

Brillat savarin triple cream brie (cow’s milk), manchego (sheep’s milk), scharfe maxx (cow’s milk), and aged gouda (cow’s milk). serves 10 peoples.

la-fromagerie - The European Cheese board

The classic cheese board

Délice de bourgogne triple cream brie (cow’s milk), 12 months cave aged gruyère (cow’s milk), bleu d’auvergne (cow’s milk), and morbier (cow’s milk). serves 10 peoples.

la-fromagerie - The Classic Cheese board

The farm cheese board

Truffle tremor (goat’s milk), la tur (cow’s, sheep’s and goat’s milks), brie fermier (cow’s milk), and ossau-iraty (sheep’s milk). serves 10 peoples.

la-fromagerie - The Farm Cheese board

The bold cheese board

12 months cave aged gruyère (cow’s milk), pont-l’evêque (cow’s milk), roquefort (sheep’s milk), and camembert (cow’s milk). serves 10 peoples.

la-fromagerie - The Bold Cheese Board