Menu image of Veggie rolls. kyoto sushi bar grill ramen's menu - sacramento | restaurants in sacramento

Veggie rolls. kyoto sushi bar grill ramen's menu - sacramento | restaurants in sacramento

Futomaki roll

Shiitake mushroom, tamago, cucumber, and yamagobo (carrot).


Summer roll

Tempura asparagus, green onion, cucumber, oshinko, avocado, mango, kaiware, and chili powder.


Wonder roll

Tempura yam, asparagus, sweet potato, avocado, mango, and soy wrapped.


Veggie roll

Tempura kabocha (squash), asparagus, yam, and avocado.


Spring roll

Oshinko, cucumber, avocado, and sesame seeds.


Priscilla roll

Tempura asparagus, carrot, cucumber, jalapeño, and mango.


Maggie roll

Steamed asparagus, yam, carrot, avocado, and inari.
