Menu image of Rice bowls. komaaj's menu - san francisco | restaurants in san francisco

Rice bowls. komaaj's menu - san francisco | restaurants in san francisco

Sumac beef & rice / polo kabab

komaaj - Sumac Beef & Rice / Polo Kabab

Chicken & rice / katte va morgh

Turmeric rice, pomegranate chicken thigh, barberries, fresh herbs, pickles, komaaj seeds mix, radish and pomegranate sauce (pom paste-olive oil)

komaaj - Chicken & Rice / Katte Va Morgh

Chickpea & rice / katte va nokhod (copy)

Turmeric rice, sumac roasted chickpeas, fresh herbs, pickles, komaaj seeds mix, walnut, cooked fava, radish and dalar dressing -


Cheese rice bowl


Smoked trout and rice

Herb rice, smoked trout, pickles, radish, sumac labneh and greens.
