Menu image of Breakfast (desayunos). honduras kitchen's menu - san francisco | restaurants in san francisco

Breakfast (desayunos). honduras kitchen's menu - san francisco | restaurants in san francisco

Platanos fritos

Served with refried beans, cheese and sour cream(servido con frijoles refritos, queso y crema fried platains)


Desayuno tipico hondureño

Grilled steak with fried eggs over easy served with platain, rice, beans, cheese and sour cream(carne asada, huevos estrellados servido con platanos, arroz, frijoles, queso y crema).


Desayuno sureño

Scramble eggs with tomates, served with sausage, rice, beans, cheese and avocado (huevo revueltos con tomate, servido con salchicha, arroz, frijoles, queso y aguacate).


Huevos con chorizo

Scrambled eggs with sausage, served with plantains, rice, beans, cheese, and sour cream (servidos con platanos, arroz, frijoles, queso y crema scrambled eggs with sausage, served with plantains, rice, beans, cheese, and sour cream)


Huevo rancheros

Fried eggs over easy mexican style, served with rice, beans cheese and avocado(servido con arroz, frijoles, queso y aguacate).
