Menu image of Long drink compositions with alcohol. flor do duke bar's menu - luanda | restaurants in luanda

Long drink compositions with alcohol. flor do duke bar's menu - luanda | restaurants in luanda


Caxinde vodka, lemon juice, cahombo, caxinde, egg white

6 000 Kz

I am nkuvu

beevok caramel, vodka, mucua

7 000 Kz

Angolan viagra

Gin, vodka, cabina wood, ginger, cahombo, lemon juice, loengo

7 500 Kz

Welwitchia cocktail

Tequila, cahombo, ginguengas, lime juice, black vodka

7 000 Kz

Mojito da terra with sugar cane and lemon foam

7 000 Kz

Dose of red fruits

2 500 Kz