Menu image of Hot drinks. menú de equator coffees - san francisco | restaurantes en san francisco

Hot drinks. menú de equator coffees - san francisco | restaurantes en san francisco

16oz coffee

16oz of equator blend coffee

equator-coffees - 16oz Coffee

Lavender vanilla latte

Lavender vanilla syrup, espresso & milk

equator-coffees - Lavender Vanilla Latte


2 shots espresso over hot water

equator-coffees - Americano

10oz coffee

10oz of equator blend coffee

equator-coffees - 10oz Coffee

Cafe au lait

Filtered coffee and steamed milk of choice

equator-coffees - Cafe Au Lait


Rotating seasonal single origin coffees - $1 per pour-over goes to the las rosas women's group

equator-coffees - Pour-Over

Red eye

Filtered coffee with 2 shots espresso on top

equator-coffees - Red Eye

The habibi latte

Orange blossom, cardamom, clove, vanilla syrup, 2 shots espresso & steamed milk

equator-coffees - The Habibi Latte


2 shots espresso

equator-coffees - Espresso


3.5oz - 2 shots espresso with steamed milk of choice

equator-coffees - Macchiato


5.5oz - 2 shots espresso with steamed milk of choice

equator-coffees - Cortado


8oz - 2 shots espresso with steamed milk

equator-coffees - Cappuccino


2 shots espresso with steamed milk

equator-coffees - Latte

Vanilla latte

2 shots espresso, vanilla syrup, steaming milk of choice

equator-coffees - Vanilla Latte


2 shots espresso, guittard chocolate syrup, steamed milk of choice

equator-coffees - Mocha

Hot chocolate

Guittard chocolate syrup and steamed milk of choice

equator-coffees - Hot Chocolate

Vanilla steamer

Vanilla syrup with steamed milk of choice

equator-coffees - Vanilla Steamer

Steamed milk

Cup of milk

equator-coffees - Steamed Milk