Menu image of Stir-fried vegetable in wok. do eat restaurant's menu - san francisco | restaurants in san francisco

Stir-fried vegetable in wok. do eat restaurant's menu - san francisco | restaurants in san francisco

Stir-fried garlic green beans干煸四季豆


Sweet &sour eggplant tofu甜酸茄子豆腐


Stir fry pea shootsw/ garlic 蒜蓉豆苗


Stir fried sausage with cauliflower腊肠炒散花


Stir-fried spinach with garlic炒菠菜




Bok choy 白菜


Hot chili w/beef n cabbage 辣炒包菜牛肉


Broccoli w/ mushroom stir fry 菇炒西蓝花


Bell pepper stir fry lettuce椒丝腐乳生菜


Broccoli &bok choy stir fry w/ garlic蒜蓉炒西蓝花白菜


Oyster sauce chow yuchoy 蠔油菜心


Choy sum w/marinated pork 菜心炒腊肉


Tomato beef shank番茄牛展


Peashoot w/ mushroom tofu 豆苗炒蘑菇豆腐

Or cabbage 或换成包菜 or bak choy或换成白菜


Bak choy w/ tofu白菜炒豆腐


Mushroom w/ chicken蘑菇炒鸡
