Menu image of Rice and soup. dim sum bistro's menu - san francisco | restaurants in san francisco

Rice and soup. dim sum bistro's menu - san francisco | restaurants in san francisco

51. steamed chinese sausage with rice 蒸臘味飯

dim-sum-bistro - 51.  Steamed Chinese Sausage With Rice  蒸臘味飯

Wonton with chill sauce 紅油抄手

10 pieces

dim-sum-bistro - Wonton With Chill Sauce   紅油抄手

52. steamed chicken with rice 蒸雞肉飯

dim-sum-bistro - 52.  Steamed Chicken With Rice  蒸雞肉飯

32. hong kong style shrimp wonton soup 港式鮮蝦雲吞

dim-sum-bistro - 32.  Hong Kong Style Shrimp Wonton  Soup  港式鮮蝦雲吞

Steam pork ribs in black bean sauce ( 1 pound)蒸排骨

One pound , the taste is good but it will take 20 minutes.

dim-sum-bistro - Steam Pork Ribs in Black Bean Sauce  ( 1 pound)蒸排骨

33. hong kong style shrimp wonton noodle soup港式鮮蝦雲吞麵

6 pieces

dim-sum-bistro - 33.    Hong Kong Style Shrimp Wonton Noodle Soup港式鮮蝦雲吞麵

50. steamed pork ribs with rice 蒸排骨飯

dim-sum-bistro - 50.  Steamed Pork Ribs With Rice 蒸排骨飯

Salt & pepper chicken wings (6) 椒盐鸡翼

dim-sum-bistro - Salt & Pepper Chicken Wings (6)  椒盐鸡翼

31. bok choy shrimp dumpling soup 鮮蝦白菜水餃

8 pieces

dim-sum-bistro - 31. Bok Choy Shrimp Dumpling Soup 鮮蝦白菜水餃

Bok choy pork dumplings soup (10) 猪肉白菜水饺

dim-sum-bistro - Bok Choy  Pork Dumplings Soup  (10)  猪肉白菜水饺