Hot dishes. central park restaurant's menu - ashgabat | restaurants in ashgabat
Hot Dishes
Chicken breast with spinach, italian style
130 тмт
Noodles with beef and vegetables pp
80 тмт
Chinese style chicken
100 тмт
Creamy chicken saute
100 тмт
Chicken curry
100 тмт
Chicken breast in french pp
90 тмт
Grilled beef patties
100 тмт
Bonfil with spinach and cheese
220 тмт
Bonfil with cheese
220 тмт
Creamy meat saute
130 тмт
Bonfil in creamy mushroom sauce
210 тмт
Baked ribs
175 тмт
215 тмт
Central park restaurant
98 10 yyl Abadanchylyk Ave, Ashgabat, Ahal, Turkmenistan
8 64 175959