Menu image of Pasta. amasia's menu - marrakesh | restaurants in marrakesh

Pasta. amasia's menu - marrakesh | restaurants in marrakesh

Spaghetti meatballs kefta

Fr-spaghetti sauce tomatoes and kefta meatballs en- spaghetti tomato sauce and kefta meatballs es- spaghetti tomato sauce and albondiga kofta it- spaghetti siciani,pomodoro e polpette di kofta

100 DH

Provencal spaghetti

Fr - spaghetti sauce tomato au basilic et parmesan en -spaghetti tomato and basil sauce & parmesan cheese es - espaguetis sauce tomato con albahaca y queso parmesano it - spaghetti sauce tomato ,basil and parmesan cheese

90 DH

Catalan spaghetti

Fr- spaghetti with peppers and tomatoes en - spaghetti pepper and tomato sauce es - espaguetis pepper and tomato pasta it - spaghettis al pepe e pomodoro

95 DH

Olive spaghetti

En: spaghetti tomato sauce & olives fr: spaghetti sauce tomates maison et olives es: spaghetti tomato sauce casera con olivos it: spaghetti with tomato sauce with olives

95 DH

Spaghetti with grilled sun vegetables

En-spaghetti with grilled sunny vegetables es- spaghetti with grilled sunny vegetables it-spaghetti con verdure grigliate al sole

95 DH

Spaghetti of the sea (fish of the day with saffron from the high atlas)

Fr- spaghetti poisson du jour sauce cooked with small saffron vegetables en-spaghetti fish of the day sauce cooked with small saffron vegetables es-espaguettis fish of the day and sauce cooked with small vegetables al azafran it-spaghetti fish of the day sauce cooked with vegetables with saffron

135 DH

Marine chicken spaghetti

Fr - spaghetti sauce au choix provencale/sicilienne/pesto/catalane en -spaghetti with marinated chicken,sauce of your choise es-espaguetis con pollo marinado salsa de tu prefrencia it -spaghetti with marinated chicken,sauce of your choice

125 DH

Burrata spaghetti

Fr- spaguetti avec sauce au choix et burrata en - spaghetti with burrata cheese and sauce of your choice en- espaguetis con queso burrata y salsa de tu preferencia it -spaghetti with burrata cheese and sauce of your choice

140 DH