En-coffee & milk es-cortado (coffee with milk) it-caffé latte
Fr -café "la cafetière catalane" perpignan france en-roasted almond flavored coffee es -coffee flavored with roasted almonds it- caffé aromatizzato alla mandorla
Fr-café "la cafetière catalane" made in perpignan,france en-toffy flavored coffee es -café con sabor a caramelo it -coffee flavored with caramel
Fr-café & lait concentré sucré en-coffee & concentrated sugar milk es-coffee with sweetened condensed milk it-caffé con latte condensed zuccherato
Fr -café glacé en-ice coffe es -coffee with ice it -café ghiacciato
Fr-iced milk coffee en -ice latte es -helado coffee latte it- ghiacciato latte coffee
Fr -macchiatto au caramel et lait glacé es-hielo latte caramelo macchiatto it -iced milk caramel macchiatto
Fr - coffee and squeezed orange juice es - coffee con jugo de naranja it - coffee and orange juice
Fr: banana, milk, cold coffee en: banana, milk, fresh coffee es: platano, leche, coffee it: banana, latte, caffè
Fr- café jus d'avocats avec lait glacé es- iced coffee with milk and avocado it- caffé al latte ghiacciato al avvocato
Fr- thé matcha coco au lait glacé es - matcha coconut tea with iced milk it- matcha al cocco tea with ghiacciato latte
En-morocan tea (mint tea) es - moroccan tea (mint tea) it - moroccan tea (mint tea)
En-mint tea & orange blossoms es-té de mint con azahar it-té alla menta con fiori d'arncio
En-royal tea es-té reale it-té reale
En-verbena infusion es-verbena infusion it -infuso di verbena
En-hibiscus flower & mint es-infusion of hibiscus flower and mint it-infuso of hibiscus flower and mint
En-infusion lemon & ginger es-infusion lemon and ginger it-infuso di limone e zenzero
En-lemon and mint infusion es-lemon and mint infusion it-limne and mint infusion
En- verbena & lemon infusion es- verbena and lemon infusion it- infuso di verbena e limone